Every country has their own delicacies from sushi in Japan to pasta in Italy and even hamburgers in the United States. A delicacy not really recognized by most is Soda. Every nation has the traditional Coca Cola and Sprite yet they all have their own indigenous drinks that quench the thirst of the natives. My personal favorite would have to be Lemon Soda. Yes this is the Brand name and it should not be confused with a generic name or a similar beverage in Limonata. This soda comes in a green glass or plastic bottle or a black can. It is served in all restaurants just like Ginger Ale or Root Beer. This soda is far more carbonated than what we are used to its true lemony flavor plus excess amounts of sugar make this the best thirst quencher even better than Gatorade. I first discovered this gem on my first trip t Italy when I was 10. We were walking through Rome in the middle of August and stumble across a quaint café and I took a little risk and it ended up being a match made in heaven. That 90 degree day paired with a soda that was so cold it hurt my teeth could not have been a better combination. Ever since that day I have been drinking Lemon Soda as much as possible. I went to Italy this past year and bough four 2liters for our 10 day trip. I even found an Italian Deli that sells Lemon Soda. It is a tad bit on the expensive size because it is imported from Italy but it is worth every single penny. I highly suggest that when you are in Italy on a summer day and it is scalding hot outside be sure to go to your local cafe and moisten your palette with a chilled Lemon Soda.
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Lemon Soda is delicious!!! I agree with Matthew when he says that lemon soda is a perfect drink for a hot day. The lemon flavor in it makes your thirst go away. Lemon soda was also the favorite drink of my grandmother. On the other hand I am a Fanta kind of guy