I head towards the chips section of the IGA. I look for that shiny aqua colored bag with the red and white lighthouse on the front. I search for the chips that I know will make me the happiest. The Kettle- Cooked CAPE COD potato chips have become my biggest weakness. What kind may you ask? They are sea salt and vinegar.
They are yellow with a brown tint; you know they are cooked well. They are all natural, and they are absolutely delicious. They are made of Potatoes, Canola Oil, Maltodextrin, Vinegar Solids, Sodium Diacetate, Salt and Sea Salt, a small list of ingredients to make one of the best things on earth. Since I was a child sea salt and vinegar chips have always been my favorite. I often recall the days when my friend Madeleine and I would go to the store just for salt and vinegar chips. We shared a bag, and on our five minute walk back home, the bag was empty. These were our treat. Regular, BBQ, French Onion, are nothing compared to them. Lays Chips, their salt and vinegar are tasty, but are too light and fluffy. I was looking for something crisper and rough. Cape Cod was my answer.
Every time I open a new $3.49 bag of these chips my mouth starts to water, and once the bag is open it is most likely to be finished that day. My mouth waters as I place the first flavored chip into my mouth. The watering continues, and I begin to crave them more. Each bite makes a loud crunch, and you can taste the combination of sea salt and vinegar. Not too much sea salt and not too much vinegar, the perfect amount. With each chip you add a layer of flavoring to your fingers. The more you eat and the more you succumb to your wants the thicker that layer gets on your fingertips. The best part is licking your fingers dry. Scratching the sea salt/ vinegar off your fingers, like scratching dried paint off of an easel. This action makes you want more. Your lips then start to tingle with the want for more. And then when you finally divulge and place your hand in the bag again the whole process repeats itself. It is a never ending process (until the bag is done).
Cape Cod sea salt and vinegar chips are my weakness. Ever since I discovered this brand Lays has never looked the same. Anytime a bag of Cape Cod chips are in front of me, and they are not sea salt in vinegar I turn the other way. They MUST be sea salt and vinegar. Anytime the bag is near, my mouth waters and I must comply with the wants of my mouth. It wants this fatting treat, and each time I eat them I don’t think about the calories or the fat they are made of, but only how delicious they are, and how they put a smile on my face. They will forever be my weakness.
picture from http://i.walmartimages.com/i/p/00/02/06/85/16/0002068516810_215X215.jpg
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